Improve TPT Open Rates with Headlines

(Sorry, had to please the SEO algor-bots.)

Deboringify Your Headlines So Teachers Read Your Emails and Blogs

ā€œHow does she write headlines that make me so interested I want to click it?ā€

You write headlines everyday. Several times a day. You probably donā€™t even realize it.

You write headlines:

  • In your Note to Followers as subject lines or subheadlines

  • In your product description as subheadlines

  • In your product description as headlines

  • In your Instagram as a first line

  • In your Instagram as a text overlay

  • In your TikToks as text overlays

  • As text overlays on top of your Pinterest pins

  • In your podcasts

  • In your blog posts

So if you are writing that many headlines, isnā€™t it worth learning writing really good headlines? Are there certain types of headlines that work well for teacherpreneurs?

When you come across a headline, you decide if reading the whole thing is worth your time. So the purpose of the headline isnā€™t actually to get the open or click like every one says.

The purpose of a headline is toā€¦

Well here, why donā€™t you start with this post and itā€™ll explain everything about making more money through headlines.