Improve TPT Open Rates with Headlines

(Sorry, had to please the SEO algor-bots.)

Deboringify Your Headlines So Teachers Read Your Emails and Blogs

“How does she write headlines that make me so interested I want to click it?”

You write headlines everyday. Several times a day. You probably don’t even realize it.

You write headlines:

  • In your Note to Followers as subject lines or subheadlines

  • In your product description as subheadlines

  • In your product description as headlines

  • In your Instagram as a first line

  • In your Instagram as a text overlay

  • In your TikToks as text overlays

  • As text overlays on top of your Pinterest pins

  • In your podcasts

  • In your blog posts

So if you are writing that many headlines, isn’t it worth learning writing really good headlines? Are there certain types of headlines that work well for teacherpreneurs?

When you come across a headline, you decide if reading the whole thing is worth your time. So the purpose of the headline isn’t actually to get the open or click like every one says.

The purpose of a headline is to…

Well here, why don’t you start with this post and it’ll explain everything about making more money through headlines.